Monday, May 31, 2010

Got taken off track!

There I go! Just when I think I have everything sussed, I am taken totally off track. I have been trying to get my new office hooked up with phones and I have been given the total run around. I have been trying to get tradesmen to quote me on signwriting, plumbing and other things with very little joy.
Then I went to "New Vogue" dance training and the teacher followed me around for an hour shouting at me. That did it! I allowed that experience to totally destroy my image of myself as a dancer and gave it permission to cause me to lose belief in my ability.
Some work for me to do there and some appreciation of how assailable I am at the moment!
I'll be back.
I need to build a Bell Jar to protect the gentle flower that is my soul - or reinforce the gentle flower into a towering tree, more like.....

1 comment:

Jorgo said...

Just shows how much things compound!
When I allow them to - need to look at how I let things go!