Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Real Estate Inspection

I don't have any pets - at least I didn't have any.

That is until a cat wandered into my life - hungry and cold.

I fed it, it stayed. The cat lives under the house and only comes out at meal times and for a short visit in the evening. Those visits are getting longer, however.

The real estate agent does an inspection once every 6 months. It was today! So I rushed home from work.

I took the kitty litter out to the garage. I put it's plate and bowl in the sink and covered them with dishes. I spotted the washed cat food can on the sideboard and put it out for recycling. I was pretty pleased with myself until I spotted the scratching post in the hallway.

"Ah," I said to myself, "it is those types of mistakes that bring you undone! This cat is nervous about people; it is relying on me to keep looking after it!"

One last circuit of the house to check that it is cat evidence free, and there is a knock at the front door.

I open it with a cheery grin, that quickly becomes strained, as I see the Real Estate Agent standing there. Beside her is the cat!

She says, "do you want the cat inside?"

"What cat?" I want to say.

A feeble "yes" is all I manage.

We went through the whole inspection and at the end she said "nice cat."

I said, "It'll be the death of me!"

Inspection passed.


Kesha Thomas said...

It is interesting to read blogs! I actually don't write on my blospot, I now have a blog at keshathomas.com Thanks for your comment!

Jorgo said...

You are very welcome Kesha - ta for stopping by.

LOVED your site!!

shayndel said...

I hope you and your cat are doing well.
We found a cat in my neighborhood that my daughter loved, and wanted to keep. But the cat is very independent, and although she is very affectionate when she sees us, she clearly needs to roam.
You are lucky that you and the cat found each other, for however long or fleeting a time it will be!
Take care,

Jorgo said...

Ta Joanne,

My cat is fiercely independent as well!

It will take a pat sometimes - what she loves is to go to sleep in my lap when I sit on the couch. Which happens very rarely!

Ta for stopping by....

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Love this story. And quite a revelation: to discover real estate agents have hearts and a sense of humour.

Jorgo said...

Thankyou SGC.
The heart was a surprise - more a reflection of my prejudices :-(
The humour was very welcome :-)