Saturday, May 31, 2008


Ever done something absolutely fantastic; and undone it all with one oversight?

A friend who I dance with (female, before you wonder) dropped off a basket of chocolates and biscuits for my kids.

She said "there you are Jacob, Sarah and Christopher."

Nicholas, the youngest, most impressionable and easiest hurt said "Christopher?"

I said, "come on Christopher, stop mucking about!"

He said, "I'm Nicholas."

My friend, not to be outdone said "I thought you were Christopher."

I said, "well that's what I thought." Why not pour a little petrol onto this situation?

Nicholas said, between gritted teeth, "I'm Nicholas!"

My friend retreated.

I asked the kids to do a thankyou card. They all signed it - the artist, who was formerly Christopher, wrote Nicholas - underlined it three times and had six arrows pointing to it.

I said, "mate, that hints a bit vague. Wouldn't twelve arrows have been better?"

They re-did the card, but three underlines remain.

I've got to get out more - I found it hilarious!!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, poor Nicholas. Still, could have been Cedric I suppose ...

Jorgo said...

Yes Cedric would have been a clincher for him :-)
Trust you are well SGC - I didn't have the blog set up to email me when posts were made :-(